To say that 2024 started off with a flurry of activity is an understatement. Many of our NPM whānau travelled to Tūrangawaewae Marae in Ngāruawāhia on 20 January to join the hui-ā-motu called by Kīngi Tuheitia. The focus on kotahitanga - unity across iwi and across peoples - drew up to 10,000 people from all over the motu. Those gathered were treated to a feast of kōrero from speakers that included our NPM ruānuku and former board chair, Tā Tipene O’Regan.

The kōrero and kotahitanga carried on through to the annual gathering at Ratana Pā a few days later and then to Waitangi, where many of our NPM whānau were among the estimated 80,000 or so gathered to tautoko the kaupapa: Toitū te Tiriti.

No doubt 2024 will bring more political ploys from various parties but of one thing we can all be certain - te ao Māori will rise to whatever wero is thrown down. Some of the most powerful forms of ‘rising’ may be through our everyday acts, in our homes and with our whānau. As Kīngi Tuheitia so eloquently put it at hui-ā-motu:

“The best protest we can do right now is be Māori. Be who we are, live our values, speak our reo, care for our mokopuna, our awa, our maunga, just be Māori. Māori all day, every day. We are here, we are strong.”

Ngā Pou Matarua | Co-Directors

  • Professor Tahu Kukutai
  • Professor Linda Waimarie Nikora

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