April has been an action-packed month for our NPM team. 

We kicked off with a two day strategic planning session at Vaughan Park in Long Bay. It was the first time our Secretariat has come together since gaining new full-time appointments to our Pou Whakapā | Communications lead (Cindy Simpkins-McQuade, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Tūhourangi - Ngāti Wāhiao, Tūwharetoa), and Pou Whakaweawe | Impact and Transformation lead (Dr Maree Sheehan, Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Raukawa, Ngāti Tahu- Ngāti Whaoa). It was a timely opportunity to look forward and think about how, in our respective roles, we can all contribute to the NPM mission of ‘Creating the foundations for flourishing Māori futures.’  

While at Vaughan Park we were also able to join the 2022-23 NPM Raumati Presentation Competition which was an online evening event. Six of our summer Interns chose to present on their rangahau, supported by their supervisors.

A big mihi to Moana Murray, Kate Palmer-Neels, Noah Kemp, Tama Blackburn, Hana Vause and Ashleigh Witehira for stepping 

up and sharing their rangahau journey with us. You can read more about our winners later in this e-pānui.

Meanwhile, the team at Kanapu - NPM’s dedicated platform for supporting Māori talent and leadership in Research, Science and Innovation -  launched their suite of activities with a free two-day national online hui, Hui Hihiri. With more than 300 registrations, and an exciting lineup of dynamic speakers from across te ao Māori, Hui Hihiri provided a virtual whare for Māori traditional knowledge holders and practitioners, researchers, scientists and innovators to gather and foster spontaneous energy, grow connections and be inspired. 

The Kanapu team, in partnership with Aatea Solutions, will be holding a series of in-person regional wānanga across the motu over the next two months. Keep an eye out for more updates on Kanapu in future e-pānui.


Ngā Pou Matarua | Co-Directors

  • Professor Tahu Kukutai
  • Professor Linda Waimarie Nikora

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