Linda is the Associate Dean Māori at Te Piringa Faculty of Law, University of Waikato, and is co-editor of the Waikato Law Review. In 2014, Linda was appointed to provide expert technical advice on the proposed reforms to Te Ture Whenua Māori 1993 (the Māori Land Act).
In 2015, Linda was contracted to provide advice on the proposed reforms to the Resource Management Act. She was appointed by her iwi of Waikato-Tainui as a guardian mandated under the 2010 settlement for the co-management of the Waikato River ecosystem to develop the long term vision for its holistic restoration.
Linda served as a lead negotiator for Ngāti Koroki Kahukura Treaty Claims and continues to provides specialist advice on Treaty of Waitangi claims and Post-Settlement Governance issues to iwi and hapū organisations. She provides technical advice on Māori legal issues in relation to lands and freshwater to Iwi leaders, to Crown agencies and government departments.