Mohi is NPM's Pou Pātai Whānau and is based at the University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau. He has research and teaching interests in: Māori health and inequities; Social determinants of health; Māori culture, heritage and identity; Poverty, the precariat and homelessness; Kaupapa Māori research, theory and methodologies; Decolonial practices; indigenous psychological perspectives of the interconnected self; Sport and rangatahi (Māori youth).
Mohi has an active research interest in the critique of Māori cultural patterns and behaviours as a vehicle to understanding Māori health and wellbeing through the discipline of psychology. This includes using customary Māori practices to inform mainstream psychological training and theory. His PhD considered the way Māori men constructively participate, engage and contribute positively to their whānau and communities and he was Co-Principal Investigator on the Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga project, Aue Ha! Māori men’s relational health.
Mohi was one of the researchers for the acclaimed book Mau Moko: The World of Māori Tattoo.