This summer intern research project explores from the perspective of Māori women, their understanding of the ‘Māori economy’ and the roles they have in developing intergenerational growth within the Small-to-medium sized sector.

Women have a vast and positive impact on the economy. Key research already undertaken through the Māori SME whai rawa project (The intergenerational reality of Māori SMEs) has identified that the Māori economy is made up from increasingly diverse socio-economic structures. Within those are a number of ways that individuals contribute and participate within the economic frameworks whether at iwi, hapū or whānau levels; paid employment or otherwise.

To further understand the complex ways that women (in particular) participate in the Māori economy, the internship project will contribute to and develop a literature review and assist the supervisor in a small pilot study that aims to explore more deeply the role that Māori women have in the Māori economy.

The literature review will include topics ranging from Māori economic development, to women in business and community. It will sit alongside the position papers already developed for the Whai Rawa SME project.


Intern - Roma Simmons-Donaldson Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Taranaki, Tainui University of Otago Supervisor - Dr Lynette Carter University of Otago
Project commenced:

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